April 17, 2020

Valued NAL Team Members,

I sincerely hope this message finds you and your families healthy and safe.  The past week has been the most difficult thus far in terms of U.S. COVID-19 cases and fatalities.  Our best wishes continue for your health and the health of your loved ones.

We hope that the worst is behind us, and that a return to some kind of normalcy will soon be at hand.  We see a small number of non-automotive manufacturers making plans to resume production before the end of April.  NAL’s customers have indicated their intentions to resume production throughout May.  As of right now, the earliest an NAL customer would begin production on a limited basis is Monday, May 4th.  We certainly hope that holds true.

We are currently making plans and preparing for NAL’s post-Coronavirus start of production.  In an effort to keep everyone as safe as possible and still support our customers’ needs, we will implement a number of new safety measures.  These plans will likely include, but not be limited to, face masks, temperature checks upon entry, increased frequency of cleaning/sanitization, and social distancing as much as can be achieved given our unique set of constraints.  We thank you in advance for your support and patience as we continue to navigate this crisis together. 

A few of our Team Members have asked about health benefits after having been on Unpaid Lack of Work (UPLOW) for more than 30 days.  In the past, this would have resulted in our Team Members being placed on COBRA for benefit continuation.  That will NOT be the case during this crisis. Health benefits will continue during the time a Team Member is on UPLOW.  When we return to work, NAL will make accommodations to lessen the impact on Team Members that will need to catch up on past benefit premiums.  We are still working out the details on how that will be managed, so stay tuned for more on that.

As previously emphasized, if you are sick, please stay home.  Please contact your doctor or Telemedicine should you exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, especially with a fever.  If you are quarantined by a doctor or health department, please call your local HR Department to make them aware even if you are on UPLOW or vacation.  Your health is important to us, and we want to support you.  

Additionally, please continue to monitor production and other COVID-19 updates at www.nal.com

The health and safety of NAL’s Team Members and their families remains our top priority.  We look forward to having everyone return to work in the near future.  Please continue to be safe.

Best Regards,

Kirk Gadberry
President and COO
North American Lighting, Inc

P.S. Please continue to check the NAL website for production updates and future messages.


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